
Wheel Measurement: Tips For Choosing The Right Offroad Tires

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Wheel Measurement: Tips For Choosing The Right Offroad Tires

When I started out on the off-road scene, I realized that I had a lot to learn about four-wheel-drive tires and how to determine what size to buy for my truck. I spent a lot of time researching the tires and rims before I bought anything. Since it was so hard to learn how to measure properly, especially for the backspacing, I decided to create a site that consolidates all of the information I learned. My hope is that the information here will help other starting four-wheel-drive enthusiasts to choose their tires and rims for that first suspension lift installation.


What Are The Early Indications You Need A Tire Repair?

Tires are essential for the safety of motorists and their passengers. Good tires should offer consistent traction, handling, and performance while supporting the vehicle's load. Ensuring they remain in good condition is the responsibility of the driver, so even if you have hired a car, you should make sure its tires are roadworthy. How do you know when you ought to visit a tire shop for a repair or a replacement, though? Read More